
Travelling to Iran

Painting in Tehran.

Wall painting in Tehran.

Behind the veil of the Islamic revolution, the chador and the religious morality, people are disarmingly polite and authentic, that will really delight to honor you with their pure hospitality. As foreigners you will experience an unprecedented respect, as traveler that is looking to explore the land and the people of Iran.

A group of men playing cards in a park in Isfahan.
A group of men playing cards in a park in Isfahan.
At the Friday Mosque in Yazd.
At the Friday Mosque in Yazd.

An unexpected smile.
An unexpected smile.

The country of Iran is aimed exclusively to voyagers that know how to appreciate and respect cultural differences and historical heritage of a glorious place, which is balanced between the chador and nuclear energy !

A boy is cycling in the alleys of the bazaar in Shiraz.
A boy is cycling in the alleys of the bazaar in Shiraz.

In the alleys of the town.
Carpets on a trolley.

The Persian Wars, Isfahan, Darius, Xerxes Ferntosi, Persepolis, Omar Khayyam, Shiraz … names, personalities, and situations, all loaded with history and myths that contributes decisively to the decision to travel to the land of Iran.

Every day a red rose is left on tomb of Hafez in Shira.z
Every day a red rose is left on tomb of Hafez in Shiraz.

To walk through the gates of Iran you need to ignore the propaganda of the international media that are talking about a forbidden and dangerous place, especially after the Islamic revolution of 1979 and the establishment of a theocracy. It is no coincidence, moreover, that the ancient Persia textbooks has been identified in the consciousness of most of the Islamic fanaticism. It is however an unfortunate parallelism from the reality that the traveler is actually going see during his presence in Iran .

Rest time.
Rest time.

A man while he is counting his money at the bazaar of Shiraz.
A man while he is counting his money at the bazaar of Shiraz.

Night at the roads of Yazd.
Night at the roads of Yazd.

Night at the roads of Yazd.
Night at the roads of Yazd.

In the alleys of the old town of Yazd.
In the alleys of the old town of Yazd.

In the alleys of the old town of Yazd.
In the alleys of the old town of Yazd.

At the bazaar of Isfahan.
At the bazaar of Isfahan.

Most of the people are using a bike or a motorbike for their transportation..

Photography Kalogiorgi Maria

Canon 7D

Destination Unknown

Dare to take a backpack and get lost among the crowd to an unknown destination. Taste the local food and entertain self in a local pub. Trust your instinct and wandering around the streets of the city, observe the world around you, a traveler without observation is like a bird without wings.
Traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comfort of home and friends. You are constantly off balance. Nothing is yours except the essential things – air, sleep, dreams, the sea, the sky – all things tending towards the eternal or what we imagine of it.
All travel has its advantages. If the passenger visits better countries, he may learn to improve his own. And if fortune carries him to worse, he may learn to enjoy it. There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.
Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travelers don’t know where they’re going. For every traveller who has any taste of his own, the only useful guidebook will be the one which he himself has written…
Destination Unknown.….…..
Destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things

Photography Kalogiorgi Maria

Photos had been taken with Canon 350D